Memorial Day—A Time For Honoring America’s Brave

Memorial Day—A Time For Honoring America’s Brave">Honor loved ones with J. Devlin glass gifts.

Memorial Day is a day dedicated to honoring America’s men and women who gave their lives for our beloved country. Traditional observance includes maintaining and decorating graves with flags and flowers, wearing red poppies, flying the flag at half-staff until noon, participating in Memorial Day services, playing Taps, and sometimes even attending a parade.

But there’s also a way to honor fallen men and women closest to you in your home. Display your favorite photo of your military serviceperson in a photo frame boasting our nation’s colors. We suggest a J. Devlin glass photo frame such as this bold red stained glass photo frame (Pic 325 series) or striking blue stained glass photo frame (Pic 324 series). Black and white or color photos look beautiful in the stained glass, and because of the easel back you can use it horizontally or vertically. Special trinkets can be stored and displayed in a glass box such as this pale blue glass box (Box 521) or a clear vintage glass box (Box 522).

We hope you take some time this Memorial Day to honor America’s brave soldiers—we certainly will! Life in America might be very different without their sacrifice.

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