Vintage Summer Cocktail Recipes Perfect for Entertaining

Vintage Summer Cocktail Recipes Perfect for Entertaining

These days it seems like summer is a chaotic time filled with shuffling kids to camps, family vacations, yard work, and remodeling projects. But when was the last time you invited a friend or two over for a cool, refreshing drink to decompress for a couple of hours…to reconnect?

Reminiscent of the good “old” days, we challenge you to do just that! Treat yourself and a friend to one of our favorite vintage summer cocktail recipes on your back porch or patio, take in your surroundings, and nurture your friendship. 

Below are our favorite vintage summer cocktail recipes for entertaining from a family favorite recipe book called DRINK MIX-IN by Samuel James. This book was published in 1968, and we love its easy, tasty recipes and hand-drawn illustrations.

Take a brief moment to create a relaxing setting using unique glasses accented with fun coasters. You might also consider adding some flowers or J. Devlin fused glass critters to your table for color and interest.

Have fun choosing one of these vintage summer cocktail recipes for your gathering—and more importantly, enjoy the friendship! Time with friends leaves you feeling refreshed and revitalized!

Shaggy Dog

  • 1 oz Vodka
  • ½ oz Crème de Cacao
  • ½ oz cream

Shake with ice cubes and strain. 


  • 1½ oz Gin
  • ¾ oz fresh lime juice
  • 1½ tsp confectioner’s sugar

Shake with crushed ice; strain. For color, garnish with a very small wedge of lime. This is a classic Gin cocktail, perfect for a nice August day.

Maiden’s Prayer Cocktail

  • ¾ oz dry Gin
  • ¾ oz Cointreau
  • ¼ oz orange juice
  • ¼ oz lemon juice

Stir with cracked ice; strain into large glass. This cocktail tastes a lot like orange soda pop, so beware it may sneak up on you!

Bloody Mary

  • 1½ oz Vodka
  • 4 oz chilled tomato juice
  • Dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Dash of pepper
  • Dash of celery salt
  • Dash of garlic salt
  • Dash of Tabasco sauce

Mix in a small glass; float a lemon slice on top.

What’s your favorite summer cocktail recipe?

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